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Treecovery explained: What is this nature restoration technique and why is it so effective?

2024-08-18 12:03:33884


Treecovery 解釋:這種自然恢復技術是什麼,為什麼它如此有效?


What is Treecovery? 

Deforestation, land degradation, and global warming havecontributed to the expansion of dry and barren landscapes acrossAfrica. However, within these landscapes lie millions of treestumps—remnants of once-thriving forests—waiting for the chanceto regrow. The Treecovery Method, championed by our restorationpartners Justdiggit and LEAD Foundation in Tanzania, capitalizes onthis potential by focusing on the natural regeneration of these stumps,rather than planting new trees. 

Treecovery is a landscape restoration technique that rejuvenatesforests sustainably. Unlike conventional reforestation methods, whichoften involve planting new saplings, Treecovery is all about revivingthe existing ecosystem. The technique is carried out by Tanzanianfarmers, who carefully selects and nurtures tree stumps that have thebest chance of thriving in their environment. These stumps, often cutdown in the past due to overgrazing, land mismanagement, or theneed for firewood, are given a second chance to grow into maturetrees, contributing to a more resilient and biodiverse ecosystem. 

Inspired by Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), theTreecovery Method involves the selection, pruning, and protection ofthese tree stumps. With proper care, these stumps can regrow intostrong, mature trees, naturally restoring the ecosystem and offeringboth immediate and long-term benefits to the local communitiesinvolved. 


什麼是 Treecovery?

森林砍伐、土地退化和全球變暖導致非洲乾燥和荒蕪地帶的擴張。然而,在這些景觀中隱藏著數百萬棵樹樁——曾經繁榮森林的殘餘,等待重新生長的機會。由我們的恢復夥伴 Justdiggit 和 LEAD 基金會在坦桑尼亞推崇的 Treecovery 方法,正是利用了這一潛力,專注於這些樹樁的自然再生,而不是種植新樹。

Treecovery 是一種可持續的景觀恢復技術,旨在重振森林。與傳統的再造林方法不同,傳統方法通常涉及種植新幼苗,而 Treecovery 则專注於復甦現有的生態系統。這一技術由坦桑尼亞的農民執行,他們精心挑選和培育那些在其環境中有最佳生長機會的樹樁。這些樹樁通常因過度放牧、土地管理不善或對柴火的需求而被砍伐,現在有機會重新生長為成熟樹木,為更具彈性和生物多樣性的生態系統做出貢獻。

受到農民管理自然再生(FMNR)啟發,Treecovery 方法涉及樹樁的選擇、修剪和保護。經過適當的護理,這些樹樁可以重新生長為強壯的成熟樹木,自然恢復生態系統,並為參與的當地社區提供即時和長期的好處。


Benefits of regrowing trees
Regrowing trees with the Treecovery Method brings a multitude of environmental benefits: 

Climate moderation: The shade provided by the trees helps to cool down the surrounding area, reducing heat stress on crops and minimizing water evaporation from the soil. 
Enhanced water retention: Trees play a crucial role in retaining water within the soil. This, coupled with reduced evaporation, leads to increased water availability for other vegetation. 
Improved soil fertility: As trees shed their leaves, these leaves decompose and act as natural manure, enriching the soil and boosting its fertility. 
Carbon sequestration: Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases and helping to mitigate climate change. 
Biodiversity boost: Trees attract a variety of birds and insects. Birds, in particular, play a vital role in spreading seeds through their droppings, which further aids in reforestation efforts. 



使用 Treecovery 方法再生樹木帶來了多種環境好處:

  • 氣候調節:樹木提供的陰影有助於降低周圍地區的溫度,減少作物的熱應力,並最小化土壤中的水分蒸發。
  • 增強水分保持:樹木在保持土壤水分方面扮演著關鍵角色。這與減少蒸發相結合,導致其他植物的水分可用性增加。
  • 改善土壤肥力:樹木脫落的葉子會腐爛,成為天然肥料,豐富土壤並提高其肥力。
  • 碳封存:樹木吸收大氣中的二氧化碳,減少溫室氣體的濃度,幫助緩解氣候變化。
  • 生物多樣性提升:樹木吸引各種鳥類和昆蟲。特別是鳥類在通過排便散播種子方面發揮著重要作用,進一步促進再造林工作。



We are the exclusive distributior of Treebytree in China,Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan .Together with businesses and resellers, at Treebytreewe've managed to invest in nearly 600,000 trees that willbe successfully regrown in Tanzania using the Treecoverytechnique!


我們是 Treebytree 在中國、香港、澳門和台灣的獨家經銷商。與企業和轉售商合作,在 Treebytree,我們已成功投資近600,000棵樹,這些樹將在坦桑尼亞使用 Treecovery 技術成功再生!